Hi! On the net my handle usually is ViperX14 or Hellbender99, depending on my mood. My real name is Cash. Just about every person that I have met on the net has asked me if Cash is my real name and yes it is my real name. I currently attend Marshfield High School in Coos Bay Oregon and I'm a Freshman. Coos Bay is a small town on the Oregon coast. I am a 14 year old male. I am 5'11" and have blue eyes with short brown hair. If you really want to see a picture of me click here. I wouldn't recomend it but you can!I have braces on right now and will have them on for about another 3 years. I really like to chat on the net. I am mostly on ICQ, Harborside, or WBS. My ICQ number is 3892770. Feel free to add me. I love to play computer games too. Flight simulaters are my favorite. My Favorite movie would have to be Titanic. I have been amazed by the ship ever since grade school. It has always mystified me how they built such a huge ship in such little time. I also like to read about computers and outdoor stuff. I really enjoy being outdoors because of all the peace and quiet. I also like to shoot guns outside. That is almost always fun. I spend pretty much the whole summer in a very small town called agness. It is on the Rogue river. That is one of the funnest places on earth. You can hunt, kayak, fish, swim, or just relax. I like almost all types of music except rap and country. The Titanic CD is pretty cool too! I like jokes too so don't be too afraid of things that might happen *hint hint*. Thanks for wasting you time reading this boring garbage now hit back to return to the good stuff!